Happy New Year!!!
C’mon, it ain’t too late to welcome you to a year of our breaking forth. Amen? Haha… I know I am coming really late but forgive me because you know that I definitely wouldn’t want to leave my able friends hanging like that. I am so sorry.
In actual fact, I want to apologize to you in your local language. I hope yours is included. I had to conduct research to see different ways of saying ‘I am sorry’ in different Nigerian languages. Haha. I came up with these few:
E ma binu
Ku yat esit
Ivio le
Biko whor gwo
If I missed your language, please go to the comment section and tell me how to say I am sorry in your language. I will definitely apologize to you. Xoxo
Am I good to go, now?
Okay. Thank you. Haha.
I am sincerely honored and super excited to be here before you today. Today is the 21st day in the month of February, 2020 and guess what? It is two days exactly less than a month to my birthday! Yippeeee! Hahahaha….I am so excited!
Last year, to commemorate the day I was born into this world, I released a free audio music titled WHO AM I, LORD? (Click on this link to download it, if you haven’t) That song is a summary of my gratitude to God. Of course, my tongue cannot say it all but this song is a testimony of how amazed I am at the Lord who loves me so. If you have enjoyed unexpected mercies and blessings from the Lord that bring tears to your eyes, this song is for you.
Not only that, I released one of my best story series as a FREE e-book in March 2019. A story series that touches the mind and the soul and leaves the body cuddled in amazement. THE CANDLE IN THE WIND IS THE TITLE. Click on here to download it. I have heard so many testimonies from those who have read it. I have read this story over and over again. It is a work of the Holy Spirit Himself! Thank You Jesus!
To commemorate March 19th again this year, the Lord has prepared some very beautiful goodies again. I will tell you about them before I round off this post.
1. This wonderful blog was four years ‘young’! Oh my God! Four good years! I just can’t believe it! I really can’t, but the Lord has been faithful! January 2nd 2016, was launched and since then, it has been a bomb! When we talk about success, God has graciously crowned this blog with a lot of it. To You alone be all the Glory, Lord God Almighty.
2. On February 2nd, 2016 also, The B.A.B.E.S of Unique Dynamite family was founded by me through the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God, this glorious family of Heaven-bound ladies was four years ‘young’ few days ago! Oh glory! Halleluyah! Thank You Daddy!
3. To this end, this family launched it’s first official blog ( where some very beautiful write ups have been published for your spiritual nourishment.
4. It also launched it’s YouTube channel (The BUD Family International) where some videos have been posted already. The videos are all intriguing and interesting but the biggest of it all is THE VOICE OF FAITH: THE MOVIE which was produced by The B.U.D. Family in 2017. This is a must watch for you!
Follow this link to be blessed by this movie. Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe and share. God bless you. (I must not forget to say that I was the lead actress in the movie. Haha…Hurry, follow this link and be blessed)
5. In December, the Social Media manager of De-Raconteur Writers’ Club, Miss Mary Talabi hinted me that she would love me to be the first raconteur to be interviewed this year. She sent me a load of interview questions…haha…But the questions were filled with so much intelligence and with that I promised to share this on my blog. You can read the interesting interview here titled AN INTERVIEW WITH THE PROVOST OF DE-RACONTEUR WRITER’S CLUB.
6. Also, in January, on my Facebook wall, (Follow me on Lizzy Oyebola Yakubu or deraconteur if you haven’t done so. Thanks), I decided to let people in to my life a bit by giving them 35 things they do not know about deraconteur…haha…there were hilarious comments. Haha. I have added more to the list and if you want to know more about me, click here to read 50 things you did not know about De-Raconteur.
7. I wrote a story last year titled ‘THE ENGRACED BEAUTY’ and to the Glory of God, it went really far. Google Analytics showed me severally how many people were looking up Google for Taiwo Adeniyi and Grace River Academy (GRA). Hahaha. I received some calls and many messages from friends and fan, trying to confirm if the story was real, like true life. Some wanted to know if they could enroll their own children in the school. Oh my, oh my! I am so thankful to God for the success of the story but I am using this opportunity to clear the air. The story is fictitious.
Of course it is but I wouldn’t want you to doubt God. What happened in the story is a small thing for the Lord to do. This is something that God can do in a jiffy and for Him to lay it on my heart to write it, He can and is ready to do much more in you and I. I particularly have seen Him do greater things in my life. What then is this one? You can follow this link to read THE ENGRACED BEAUTY. Leave your comment and share.
8. In December, 2019, I told you about THE CHRISTIAN COURTSHIP GUIDE SERIES. Click here to read about the series if this is your first time hearing about it or if you need more information about the series.
1. Here is a pretty sour-sweet news. It was my desire to have these books (The Christian Courtship Guide Series) reach your desks in March (Precisely 19th, which is my birthday) but it probably isn’t God’s desire to have it released at that said date. So, instead of having the books launched in March, we will now have them launched in May. Oh my! I am so sorry.
To those who have paid for the books, I sincerely apologize and hope that it wouldn’t be too late for you to have them in May. May 11th (Our wedding anniversary) is the new date for the launch of ‘The Christian Courtship Guide Series’ by the Special Grace of God.
2. About the De-Raconteur Writers’ Course, oh my God! Hahaha…I have been stunned in the past months, I must confess. I have been quite busy over here and wasn’t even thinking about having any writers’ course yet. I have been so shocked therefore to have been receiving payment alerts here and there for this course. Oh my, Lord, there are hungry souls, yearning to write Your Words and publish to the whole world! Oh my!
It is your turn to bag a diploma in Christian Creative Writing this coming March. Details are contained in the flier below:
Read the graduation gist of the first set of the De-Raconteur Writer’s College (2018) here.
Read the graduation gist of the second set of the De-Raconteur Writer’s College (2019) here. There are even three e-books gifts for you as you read this post. Hurry!
You want to be a part of the next generation of Christian writers trained under the De-Raconteur Writer’s College? Enroll now. Simply pay a token of Five Thousand Naira only to Access Bank 0701105202 or Zenith Bank 2087127274. Afterwards, send a proof of payment to +5592994196860 (WhatsApp only) to be admitted into the class.
Classes will start on the 6th March, 2020 and will run through to the 4th April, 2020 (Weekends- Fridays and Saturdays only) Enroll now!
3. Another interesting announcement is this: THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPT WRITERS CONFERENCE 2020 is coming! Are you interested in learning the art of script-writing to improve the Christian Movie Industry in Nigeria? Here comes an opportunity for you to sharpen your horns and shine. With just a token of 5000 naira in June, I will take you through the intricacies of Script-writing- both the technical and the creative aspects. For further information, check the flier below.
4. Also, I have received some calls and messages about how much a number of you have missed my stories. Hahaha… I am so sorry. You will soon have me back on your screens…haha. I have so many stories to share with you that I just had to listen patiently to God to know which should go first. We have one now. This is a series that I call ‘The Story with the Breath of Fire’! It is titled ‘THE BASTARD’ and it was a story that I wrote about ten years ago. I told the story of this beautiful series that will be coming your way soon in this blog post. Click, read, be blessed, share and anticipate.
Now, I will give you the last gist before I bid you bye-bye:
5. When I was in 200level, one of the mummies in our school, Mrs. Ayanbamiji called me and said ‘Sister Bola, have you started praying about the Will of God in marriage’
I blushed for a while before I replied. ‘But mummy, I am still young o’
‘Young? You are not young at all!’ She said with all seriousness and I kept wondering what that meant. Then, she said something that changed my life forever.
“Start praying for God’s leading and have your testimony now because with the way the Lord is using you, very soon, men will bombard you and you might want to play games and choose with your brain because you are in a haste and because you want what appears to be the `best` to you. Many gifted people miss it in marriage!”
That might look like a concoction of words to you but it was like a seed to and in me! The seed had some explosive effects that pushed me to my knees till God spoke to me.
Before I got married, I listened to ‘love stories’ a lot, especially from Christian mummies that I respect. And anytime they shared their stories with me, I would be stirred in my heart. I would weep in my spirit till I find myself on my knees again, praying to God!
I told the Lord to give me a testimony! A testimony that will transcend ALL the testimonies I had heard from all those mummies of mine. AND THE LORD DID IT! The way the Lord connected my David to me is too amazing that I can’t even keep it to myself especially when there are so many ladies missing it out there!
I have shared the full story with some ladies and I have seen them cry, just listening to my story! And the greatest thing to me is that no one hears my testimony without being forced to their knees. A friend of mine literally knelt before me, so I can pray for her after listening to my story.
And the thing is that these friends of mine have only heard from my own side of the story. I mean, if they can hear the story from both of us (my hubby and I), they will shudder at the greatness of God!
Even my husband and I still shudder at the ‘leading’ whenever we share them with each other. It is too marvelous! God is too great! God still leads.
Because of this greatness and awesomeness of God in our lives, we would actually want you to read our testimony. I have managed to get the full testimony from my busy husband too so that you can have a balanced testimony.
Also, I will be writing, not only on our testimony but also on different facets of the family life. Singlehood, proposals, courtship, the Will of God, marriage, prayer, wedding, home, kitchen, Bible study, just name it! My husband will also join me sometimes.
To this end, we will be launching our Christian Family Blog on the 19th March, 2020 (My birthday!! I am literally dancing over here. Haha)
6. Not only that! I would love to have a relatable platform with you where I can counsel, teach, motivate, tell stories and hear from you- all in one! Hence, accompanying our blog launching is the launch of our YouTube channel. Glory!
To the Glory, honor and the Will of God, our blog and YouTube channel will be launched on the 19th March, 2020 on WhatsApp and you are cordially invited.
To be a part of this launching ceremony, watch out for the WhatsApp link- admission into the launching group is going to be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Thank you for reading through my plenty talks. I love you to the moon and back!
I promised to give you a New Year gift, right?
Oh, never mind. It is going to be yours very soon. Calm down.
Would you please allow me to encourage you with a quote by Victoria Osteen before I finally finally go?
And I say that you have the strength, the grace, the power to pull through today, tomorrow, this year and the many days that the Lord wants you to live. Don’t give up now even if you can’t see anything working for you.
Walk into the Word of God. Bury yourself in prayers. Sing songs of praises and see if the Lord will not come through for you!
This God that I know, He is too faithful to fail! If you do your part faithfully without murmuring and grudges, He MUST come through for you. Trust Him and keep pushing!
You shall break forth! In the Name of Jesus! Amen.
Okay now, finally of the finally, haha, let me hear from you in the comment box, please.
Did you miss me?
How are you preparing for my birthday? Hahaha…
How has the new year been?
What have you been doing since this year started? (C’mon, try to advertise your legit business here. You have the space.)
Just talk to me. I want to hear from you. Alright? God bless you. (Don’t forget to visit all the posts that have been graciously inserted in this post. They are all for you.)
Waoh! Waoh! Waoh!
Like Waoh!
Reading leaves me inspired everytime, like I know this is what only the Holy Spirit can do.
Lord, pour out more of Your spirit upon Your beautiful daughter. Amen.
I’m inspired to lay down my whole life the more to the master, I mean I usually get more than what you write, it’s like deep calling to deep.
Thanks so much for coming back with a bomb, and not just coming back so-so, I’ve missed you here, and I’m glad you are back and far better!
I’m glad the “bastard” would soon be released.
For the Christian courtship series, can the date of the pre-order be also shifted, since the release date has also been shifted ma’am?
So glad to see you here.
Oh thank you for your wonderful comment, Salt.
God bless you immensely.
The pre-order is also going to be shifted. Thanks dearly!
This is amazing! Really amazing!
Welcome back.
Thank you so much!
Thanks a great deal!
Wow! Welcome back ma’am,have missed your write ups n post,anticipating all you hv promised to publish. May God give you d grace to fulfill all in Jesus name. Amen..
Awwwwnnn…thank you so much big sis.
I missed you much more.
Mamma!!!! Welcome back. You are an inspiration always. Thank you for the wonderful gifts. I can’t wait for all that is here. More oil Mrs Yaks. Muaaaah.
I’m so short of words. You are amazing Mrs Yaks. Thanks for being a blessing by yielding to God. I love your testimonies. Anticipating more of God through you. I have sure missed you. Thanks for the encouragement and the gifts. You don’t know what God has use you to do in my life now. Life has only being worth living when I’m sure God is in control. Thank you. God bless you. And happy birthday and wedding anniversary in advance.
I love you so much more…
More Grace for greater exploits,
I can’t wait to be part of all this…..
This is just beautiful. I eagerly await all these loaded gifts. Sis. Lizzy aka Ore mi❤. God bless and multiply you. You’re a source of inspiration.
Welcome back sis, I’ve really missed you.
Happy birthday in advance
Welcome back sissy, l have missed ur write ups, more grace to ur elbow.
I miss you, yI loveou. Happy hippe birthday in advance. BUD 2020 is definitely 20-20 greater. God blessings will continually fall on you Mummy Lizzy. You are a blessing.