The first edition of De-Raconteur Writing Course kicked off on the 1st of July and ran its course through to the 7th of July.
We were supposed to say our b-y-e then as planned but projects were given to students which ran through the course of two weeks, though some people exceeded the deadline as a large percentage of them are students.
After submission, there was an intensive marking and correction and the scripts were returned to the owners to work on again or effect the changes as the case may be. That took more than 2 weeks again because of the school examinations of the students.
During the break, there were health issues and hard disks fault that further lengthened the duration of our programme. But all thanks be to the Lord God who made us start and bring to an end, the first edition of De-Raconteur Writing Course also known as DWC.
Our certification and award giving day was on Friday, 21st September 2018 and it was glorious.
With the participants totaling 24, and the topics of discussion over 10, we all gathered together yesterday to have the award ceremony and the induction into the DWC Alumni Association.
From the provost’s speech yesterday, we have this excerpt:
“Before I mention who and who scores what, I will like to mention some things.
Out of all the write-ups that I marked, I have eight which will be reviewed a few times more and will be published in a book.
The proceedings from the sales of the book will be shared among the writers and the editor.
The person with the highest score will be honored with a certificate of participation, an award of academic excellence, a congrats design and a video.
Also, the fee for registration which she paid shall be returned to her.
Moreover, the title of the book which shall contain the seven stories shall be the title of her project topic.”
The programme which started at 7pm prompt on Friday had the presence of almost all the students. They were all joyous and grateful for the programme. Here is a screenshot of one joyous student:
The 24 students were inducted into the DWC Alumni Association yesterday as the following benefits were opened to them. Here is an excerpt from the Provost’s speech:
“As an alumnus of DWC, there are so many opportunities attached.
- We have a whole lot of things to achieve together in the nearest future!
- You have automatically won for yourself writing alarms- people who will keep you on your toes to make sure you keep writing.
- You will participate in monthly writing conferences and some other writing competition information will be at your fingertips.
- I will get to work together with you on your big writing projects at a very low cost.
- I will edit your one-five pages of work for free
- I will publish your Christian stories on my blog for free.
- And lots more.”
The students expressed their gratitude and took to their social media pages to make this known. Here are some of them, in their own words:
Some others will be published at the end of this post.
The eight stories to be published were written by:
- Rereloluwa Ekundare Priscilla.
- Faith Adegboye
- Oluwabukunmi Olusa.
- Shalom Adedokun.
- Jennifer Azubieke.
- Emmanuel Ashibogwu.
- The runner-up is FORTUNE JACOB
And then, the best graduating student of the first edition of DWC was announced by the provost. Hear her:
“Her project work was sound!
It has a touch of creativity that when refined will be awesome.
The height of suspense was amazing also!
Her participation in the class and the way she asked good questions cannot be overemphasized.
Together with her class works and last assignment, she has proven to be a committed Christian Writer and she deserves the win!
When you read the story, you will understand!
She is not like the best writer in the world but she is on her way to being one just like you and me are.
The writer of ‘Deja vu!’ who has 73% in our writing course is…
Please let’s begin to put our hands together for her.”
We celebrate you dear sis. I personally never knew you will go this far but you did. Of course, the sky is the starting point for you!”
The Best graduating student, though ill at the time of the award, expressed her shock and gratitude to God. she dedicated the award to God and all her colleagues.
The students further expressed their minds thus:

The runner-up said the closing prayer…
The next DWC classes start 7th-14th of October, 2018. That is the last class for the year by God’s Grace. The next class after that will be in January, 2019 if Jesus tarries.
Theme of the next class: “THE ART OF CHRISTIAN STORY WRITING”.
Time: 8pm Daily
Venue: DWC WhatsApp Class
Price: 5000 naira only.
You have to be a part of the next edition if you want to be also be a sound Christian story writer!
Follow this link to register for the second edition which comes up 7th to 14th October 2018.—-
“THE ART OF STORY-WRITING” will be expounded to you!
You can start paying bit by bit into Access Bank 0701105202 Savings Account. Remember that you can sponsor your friend, family, relative, church member etc. with this life changing, life-inspiring course!
After payment, send your details to [email protected].
It’s pretty affordable.
Be there!
Follow this link to register:
Follow us on Instagram: deraconteur_writing_course
Trust me, you don’t want to miss the next edition of DWC.
This is so picturistic!
The first edition of this course was BOOOOOMMM!!!!
It’s a course you should partake in ….. Don’t miss the next edition, please!!
I’m grateful for the award as the best graduating student!! I sincerely don’t take it for granted.
Thank you!!!
Wow! I must not miss the next class o.
Congrats to the winner.
Sis.Lizzy. God bless you
I’m really happy seeing all these. Well done, de-raconteur. More grace to you, ma’am.
Congratulations to the winner and other contestants. This is really a course one shouldn’t look away from!
This is indeed beautiful sis
Wow. This is great. Good job Sissy. Keep making things happen for people and God will also continue to make things happen for you. I love you ma’am. Congrats to Taiwo Ajayi.
Would really love to join the next course but that would be the January edition. Really busy with project. But I sure would participate by God’s grace. All thanks to the great mind that brought this up.
Dear sis Lizzy, can people start paying for the January class now?
Mama…when is the next class for this year
[…] year, we had the maiden edition of DE-RACONTEURS WRITERS COURSE and it was great, and by God’s grace I was part of that […]
[…] You want to know about the first class of this writers’ course? Why not follow this link to read up? […]
[…] Lord helped me to be the 3rd best student on the first DWC cohort with a total of 68% behind Fortune Jacob with 70% and Taiwo Odion Ajayi with 72 […]
[…] Lord helped me to be the 3rd best student on the first DWC cohort with a total of 68% behind Fortune Jacob with 70% and Taiwo Odion Ajayi with 72 […]