The scent of our Rosemary perfume wafted into my nose and I opened my heavy eyes.
Wow! Its morning already.
I knew if I checked the mirror, my eyes would be hotter than fire. I didn’t even know when I drifted into sleep. My husband’s odd behavior drove me really crazy last night!
As I opened my eyes, I saw Dave standing before the king-sized mirror knotting his tie.
He looked really handsome and the suit was his perfect size! But his hair? His hair wasn’t combed at all. Why?
God please help me to be the Proverbs 31 virtuous lady. Don’t let me chase my husband out oh God! Give me wisdom. What do I know is on his mind now? What will I do?
I sighed deeply and adjusted on the bed. I cleared my throat because it had become croaky from the last night’s cries. He turned back to look at me. Then he faced the mirror again.
“Good morning” he muttered
“Good morning dear. I waited for you last night. I didn’t even know when you came in. I am so sorry for all that transpired last night. How was your night?” I asked as I sat up. I was weak!
“Good” was all Dave said.
I stood up and walked close to him. He shifted away from the way to avoid contact with me. I looked into his face and really, he was avoiding an eye contact. I didn’t want to start any argument again.
I forcefully held his hand and he relaxed, still looking away. I hugged him and he stiffened.
Our hug was like a lady hugging a pole. He didn’t hold me, he didn’t say anything but I heard his heartbeat. It was beating so fast. I rest my head on his chest to comfort him.
What can I do for you little heart? I asked myself softly.
Dave gently pulled me away.
“I am late” he said, walking towards the bed.
I went to my dressing table and picked up a tail comb.
“Dave, if you don’t want my hand to touch you, at least my comb can?” I asked him. He sat on the arm chair obediently. I went closer and combed his hair gently, praying as I did.
I remembered three days ago while I combed his hair, he was saying
“Mummy, it’s painful.” Like a crying kid
“Painful ke! No o. you are the one that said you wanted afro o. Now, you have it. Endure it. You don buy job” I played along.
We had laughed over it that day. But today, the silence was thick. It was as if a huge wall of Jericho had been built between Dave and I.
“Lovely Lizzy, I have missed you. I am really sorry that I made you cry and worried . But the best I can do for you now is to avoid you. I really can’t look into your eyes now. Lizzy, I am sorry” I thought as Liz’s beautiful, soft hands worked on the bush of my head. I felt my heart so pained that it was about to rip open. What is happening to me?
Just as I was about putting finishing touches to what I was doing on his head, he stood up abruptly making my hand to be suspended in the air.
He walked to the table, picked his briefcase and hurriedly, he went to the door.
He looked back at me where I was still glued to a spot. He gave me a fake smile.
“I am late. Sorry” he opened the door and left. I breathed out so loud I thought it would wake my baby.
“Isn’t this Dave?” I asked myself.
I walked to the window side and saw as Adamu opened the gate for him to drive out.
“We didn’t even pray together. May God’s eyes never look away from you for once my husband” I prayed silently.
I walked to the small bed, checked Blossom and she was really sucking her thumb. I gently removed it from her mouth.
“Blessed girl! Instead of sucking real food from Mummy’s body, it’s your hand you want to finish eating ” I said softly and pecked her forehead.
I picked up my Bible, went beside my bed and knelt down to pray.
Everything around me needs prayers!
“God, thank you for giving me Dave. No matter what happens, I love him so much. I am afraid that he is going through some hard time now that he doesn’t want me to know about. God, tell me something. You told me to marry him. I have done so. Then, don’t leave me alone in this…” I was babbling on and on as I usually did when I talked to God. I have grown to a point where I have made him my friend. I love God! He listens!
“Turn back!” he said and I did
“Stand!” My Spirit said again. I obeyed.
The only thing I could see was my husband’s laptop. It was closed but was blinking on and off. I felt peace that that was what God want me to see.
As I walked towards it, my heartbeat increased rapidly.
What is it oh Lord?”
“Daughter, my grace is sufficient for you” I heard. I sighed heavily.
There must be something problematic in there!
As I walked to the laptop, I made the sign of the cross, closed my eyes deeply before opening. It was the browser that came forth. I relaxed and closed the page. Then, I went to the Recent Folder. It was his videos and some office document that were in there. I checked his video folder. It was just Joyful Noise, Let it Shine, Akeelah and the Bee and the Madea series that were there. I smiled.
My husband and black American Movies though!
What is it that God wants me to see then?”
I opened the Browser page again. I clicked down the history cache and what I saw threw me off balance into the armchair- Porn sites!
Dave? My David? My husband! Porn?! God forbid! When did that start? How?
I started shaking
I closed the browser and stared into blank space like a lunatic.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. Not Dave! Not someone I looked up to for spiritual guidance. Not someone that preaches against all these vices in church. Obviously not Dave!
I resumed my crying session. Whatever happens should happen o. I am ready for battle between us. I am ready to fight this. Why would Dave cheat on me?
I felt he had cheated on me with a thousand ladies he might have seen their nakedness. I was pained!
If he had started doing this before we got married, I will never forgive him for being untruthful to me. If he just started, I will never ever ever forgive or forget because it means I am not enough for me.
“Liz…” the Holy Spirit called me in his familiar tone but I waved the still voice off.
This is fire for fire!
No wonder!
No wonder he no longer found it interesting to talk to me.
No wonder my naked body wasn’t appealing to his eyes again.
My tummy had become bigger in his eyes and the stitched spot of the cesarean session that was done on my body when I wanted to give birth to Blossom had made me disgusting to look at!
No wonder!
No wonder Dave!
I thought i married a perfect christian fit for the kingdom of heaven!
I thought I married someone someone that would guide me through the heavenly way.
“Liz, take it easy… ” The Spirit spoke again.
I beat my lap to shake His voice.
“It seems the Holy Spirit doesn’t understand at all.” I said to myself
That u are in God’s perfect will does not exclude your marriage from trouble but takes a praying and matured partner to restore the other In meekness and watchfulness. Nice and lovely write-up, waiting for the next episode.
Hmmmm. Had to read this again. Really speechless. Well, thank God for allowing you to know. At least, the earlier you know the better. Nothing prayer cannot do, Jesus answers prayer. Nice write up.
This is a very interesting story.
May God help us all to listen to him when he speaks to us and choose for us IJN!
Good write up lizzy! Am blessed again! Thank u.
What prayer can do!Thank God for the Holy Spirit.More revelations……
But wait oooo…Isn’t he the same Dave you said God revealed to you while you once bled in prayer.Isn’t he the same chosen one that the Holy Spirit filled you with peace of mind after days of dry fasting?How come its now surfacing this way.Was this hidden before ur marriage or it just crept into his life?
So Blossoms Dad watches porn? Na wa oooo. The devil is really working…… for him to entrap a whole prayer champ.
Anyways….it saddens me dat I couldnt make the first comment but I hope someone makes a u-turn from my testimony.
…I was once like Dave……
I liked to watch porn.I couldnt refrain myself from it.It was my quiet time while I was still in schl.I could watch anytime: morning, afternoon or night….mostly at the early am of d day.
Ever since I had my best friend (laptop) while in schl, I could easily get access whenevr I wanted. All I needed to do was just lock d door… slide d window n enter d world of sin willingly. ……even if I wasnt watching, then I should be at d views centre either to match the days match or ready to gamble from my little stipend.
I always stayed off campus from day one and I never loved to accommodate a friend to share my self con with not even a bro in my fellowship dat once requestd…I always wanted privacy.
I had FREEdoom to watch my short porn videos ….. oh sorry, freedom*
I remembr well, I used to look down on the ghetto guys who score 100 in all forms of sin from fornicating to taking alchohol to tobacco n all others….meanwhile, id always console myself….. “at least Im still pure, I dont do it.. I only watch it”…. dats d dirty voice dats keeps stirring me to continue…
Thank God for Gods grace… I got rescued.
cut story short**
The lord used a bro to restore me back home.I even accomodated my Evang Cord during my last two sessions…n d lord turned my pornic room to his cell fellowship.
It was a real transformation and I give all glory to God.
Lots and more people are being entrapped just thru pornography.
We are in the information age when we just have to rely on the internet for information.I recall a prophesy dat pings me about d time of the end.Its in Daniel 12:10, Prophet Daniel foretold “the time of the end is the time of increased knowledge” … you reason with me that it perfectly fits our time.And the devil is not slack to how well he can utilise dis channel to win his own soulssssssss… d internert has provided dat means to feed porn to any user… it easily comes your way no matter who you are either a G.O or just a church goer.
Its like the more your activity online, the easier it finds you..from ur mail to facbk to utube to twitter to skype…its endless or the more advanced your gadget is, the easier you get access to it…I think dats one of d reason my run away brother in my district church is okay with his Nokia Torch phone.He purposefully sold off his pc n dashed off his mobiles…”Matt 18:8-9″ relates to his action.
So my Sistr, we all need Gods grace n power to avoid a second look or thought and to refrain from dis deadly enticement from the devil whenever it appears in any form (videos or images).Its deadly and damning.
You can pray it thru with Blossoms Dad. Forgive him and help him to overcome it.
God Bless You! More wisdom and leading of the Holy Spirit to your calling.
Chat Conversation End
I must confess. This held me spellbound!
Smiles* thank you so much
I can’t wait to read the next chapter. ..God bless you ma’am!
Thanks so so much
” mind blowing and real good one Lizzy
Thank you so much.
You have me waiting for the 3rd episode like a hugry child…:-)
Pranise Jesus!
Fenks dearie. M glad u liked it
That u are in God’s perfect will does not exclude your marriage from trouble but takes a praying and matured partner to restore the other In meekness and watchfulness. Nice and lovely write-up, waiting for the next episode.
Hmmm… True talk. Thank you so much
Hmmmmm, matters arising. Remember Lizzy, we do not fight against flesh and blood… Listen to the Holy Spirit, he’ll guide you.
If I were in your shoes, I’d be pained too but, peace be still…
Dave needs you now more than ever!
Suspense on point! The plot thickens.
Keep bringing it…
Awwwmnnnnn… I am touched. Thank you mummy!
Hmmmm. Had to read this again. Really speechless. Well, thank God for allowing you to know. At least, the earlier you know the better. Nothing prayer cannot do, Jesus answers prayer. Nice write up.
Hmmmm…. Fenks sis
Hmm… Can’t wait for the next chapter.. The suspense is killing me o… Nice one ma’am..
Fenks dearie
This is a very interesting story.
May God help us all to listen to him when he speaks to us and choose for us IJN!
Good write up lizzy! Am blessed again! Thank u.
Thanks so much sir! Grateful heart #
Interesting story. Waiting for the next episode.
Thanks. Its coming soon
I was at your blog John. Love your articles.Keep it up.
Thank you for visiting.
What prayer can do!Thank God for the Holy Spirit.More revelations……
But wait oooo…Isn’t he the same Dave you said God revealed to you while you once bled in prayer.Isn’t he the same chosen one that the Holy Spirit filled you with peace of mind after days of dry fasting?How come its now surfacing this way.Was this hidden before ur marriage or it just crept into his life?
So Blossoms Dad watches porn? Na wa oooo. The devil is really working…… for him to entrap a whole prayer champ.
Anyways….it saddens me dat I couldnt make the first comment but I hope someone makes a u-turn from my testimony.
…I was once like Dave……
I liked to watch porn.I couldnt refrain myself from it.It was my quiet time while I was still in schl.I could watch anytime: morning, afternoon or night….mostly at the early am of d day.
Ever since I had my best friend (laptop) while in schl, I could easily get access whenevr I wanted. All I needed to do was just lock d door… slide d window n enter d world of sin willingly. ……even if I wasnt watching, then I should be at d views centre either to match the days match or ready to gamble from my little stipend.
I always stayed off campus from day one and I never loved to accommodate a friend to share my self con with not even a bro in my fellowship dat once requestd…I always wanted privacy.
I had FREEdoom to watch my short porn videos ….. oh sorry, freedom*
I remembr well, I used to look down on the ghetto guys who score 100 in all forms of sin from fornicating to taking alchohol to tobacco n all others….meanwhile, id always console myself….. “at least Im still pure, I dont do it.. I only watch it”…. dats d dirty voice dats keeps stirring me to continue…
Thank God for Gods grace… I got rescued.
cut story short**
The lord used a bro to restore me back home.I even accomodated my Evang Cord during my last two sessions…n d lord turned my pornic room to his cell fellowship.
It was a real transformation and I give all glory to God.
Lots and more people are being entrapped just thru pornography.
We are in the information age when we just have to rely on the internet for information.I recall a prophesy dat pings me about d time of the end.Its in Daniel 12:10, Prophet Daniel foretold “the time of the end is the time of increased knowledge” … you reason with me that it perfectly fits our time.And the devil is not slack to how well he can utilise dis channel to win his own soulssssssss… d internert has provided dat means to feed porn to any user… it easily comes your way no matter who you are either a G.O or just a church goer.
Its like the more your activity online, the easier it finds you..from ur mail to facbk to utube to twitter to skype…its endless or the more advanced your gadget is, the easier you get access to it…I think dats one of d reason my run away brother in my district church is okay with his Nokia Torch phone.He purposefully sold off his pc n dashed off his mobiles…”Matt 18:8-9″ relates to his action.
So my Sistr, we all need Gods grace n power to avoid a second look or thought and to refrain from dis deadly enticement from the devil whenever it appears in any form (videos or images).Its deadly and damning.
You can pray it thru with Blossoms Dad. Forgive him and help him to overcome it.
God Bless You! More wisdom and leading of the Holy Spirit to your calling.
Chat Conversation End
I bless God for you sir. The devil has eaten deep into the world with immorality n I pray that God will continue to deliver us
Amen and amen
Thanks dearie. Really missed your comments too. I am glad to have you here. Luv yah
Your Writings are Pungent and very though provoking.
please keep the good works you are doing up.
Story teller. Keep it up, sky is ur take off board.
Fenks dearie… Story reader.. Lol
I do not have to wait for the next episode, I am reading it right away.
Hmmm, as much as I don’t pray this for us, you are a genius.