I have been in love with Matt for years.
While I was studying Mass Communication, he was the best student in the Department of Communication and Performing Arts of Bowen University, same institution as mine.
Epitome of Excellence, beauty and Godliness… #gbam
I felt tingling in my heart as he proposed to me last week over a meal at shoprite, RingRoad, Ibadan. It was a shock, and stammering, I gave a confident ‘yes’
I woke up as early as 4am the following day and sitting up, I stared at the platinum ring he had proposed with the day before- if I don’t wear rings, I could as well admire it and smile happily.
I decided to have my morning devotion. I knelt down, sang with great enthusiasm. Then it was time for me to pray with a particular song that I sing everyday. The lyrics:
🎵Not what I wished to be
Nor where I wished to go
For who am I , that I should choose my way
The Lord shall choose for me
Its better, that I know
So, let Him bid me go or stay! 🎵
It was a bomb! I am by His grace, an ardent listener of His and I know how He speaks to me. Then I heard Him say:
“daughter! He’s ur choice, not mine. If you know my will for you, then you will know Matt is not even up to the half”
I cried! If not Matt, who else in this world? Oh dear God! I was sad!
“I will console you dearie, you will know him in a day. Just pray submissively for hours till your pride and desires die, and mine is upheld in your heart”
Then I poured myself out. Once I became emptied of self, I saw clearly! So clearly and plainly that i wanted to swallow me. God why? Why should this happen to me? Why should it be this guy! How could this miserable guy be better than Matt! I am in soup!
I hate to fall into God’s wrath for disobedience but Dave! That Dave!
Bro Dave is a new member in our district. I met him at the Iwo Road Tantalizers. He was so cute in his well sown ankara prints. We discussed on and on until he asked me to help him up. I didn’t grab until i saw his right leg, in braces with crutches across the wall. He had a very bad leg. I felt bad for him. His wife would try o! I muttered to myself. Now, the wife is to be me!
I cried bitterly. I bound and cast to no avail. It’s Dave! The more I cried and covered my ears, the more I saw clearly, so crystal clear. Its Dave not Matt! What do I do? If you were the one in my shoes, what would you do? My body tells me: “No”, my spirit says “Yes”!
I have been through the pains and rigours of a temporal bad leg but a seemingly permanent one being my head?! No! its unimaginable!
God always knows what’s best 4 us jer.29:11